• We insist you to follow The GUIDELINES / Instructions given by DVC Operators, volunteers or any authorised personnel with sincerity and discipline so that you can cherish the specially designed trip/event for pleasant Experience. If participant(s) is found to disobey the directions/instructions of the authorized representative of the tour operator or guidelines specified by DVC, participant(s) shall themselves be liable for consequences faced.
• You as a “client” are paying the fees PRIMARILY for your safety and wellbeing during the trip/event. Services mentioned in the description have SECONDARY LEVEL of priority for organisers if at all it comes to choose between the two.
• It is obvious that Leader/volunteers know “BIGGER PICTURE” of the trip/event hence any decision taken by the Leader is for a better reason and will be final and binding on all the participants.
• Tasks allotted by the Leader should be performed diligently by respective/every participant.
• Overtaking during the trek may cause a risk to yourself or fellow participants, it is to be avoided STRICTLY until instructed otherwise by the leader(s)/ volunteer(s)/ any authorised personnel.
• It is a kind gesture to offer help to fellow trekkers/participants, informing about loose rocks/stones/slippy terrain or any tips to improve or enhance the confidence is deeply appreciated. However gestures to provide support physically while trekking can result in fatality for you or fellow participant(s). Informing Volunteer or leader about such participant is appreciated from where they can get help from trained/experienced individual and decreasing the risk factor.
• We highly recommend that you inform the organiser or leader and SEEK PERMISSION if at all you must leave or separate from the campsite or premises or group. Respect the decision made by organiser or leader. (It is always helpful to have a word in person with leader/organiser for clarification if decision is not in your favour.)
• It is important to stay sharp and in your senses all the time in such trips hosted here. It won’t be a good idea to consume or carry any form of ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, CIGARETTES or anything which may compromise your safety. If ignored the advise, appropriate actions will be taken against the participant/ volunteer/ leader/ guide/ any authorised personnel or the Organiser which can even lead to permanently BAN from the DVC the very moment found guilty. (Any information from Colleagues or participants regarding the same will be appreciated and well considered for appropriate recognition/reward or both.)
• It is VERY important to follow the schedule designed for activity for a successful conduct. Anything causing delay may affect the trip/event and the service(s) offered by organiser for which neither Organiser nor DVC will be answerable.
• Each trip hosted here is designed to appreciate, learn and respect about the beauty of flora, fauna, heritage, ecology and contribute if possible for conservation. Any action which may affect directly/indirectly to it’s existence or integrity will be considered an offence and appropriate steps will be taken.
• Feeding the local or wild birds/animals may sound/feel an act of kindness but it affects them in more ways than we can imagine.
• In the event of natural calamities or unavoidable circumstances, the Tour Manager has discretionary powers to modify the route or cancel the tour.
• In case of any injury, sickness, accident, death, Bike accident or any other casualty or loss or damage of valuables or luggage or any equipment; DVC/organisers, instructors, organizers, volunteers or any other person involved wholly or partially, either individually or jointly, shall not be responsible in any manner for the same and no claims/Insurance (any kind) of the participants, parents, guardians, relatives or friends of participants will be entertained.
• DVC or operator shall not be responsible and/or liable for any damage/ loss caused to the tour participant due to reasons beyond the control of the operator/DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB.
• DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB or Tour Operators do not have any control over Airlines, Railways, Coach Companies, Shipping Companies, Hotels, Local Transport or any other facilities, provided by the third parties. Hence not responsible for the delays or deficiencies in the services provided by outside agencies. Also please note that the operator/DVC does not have any control on schedules of opening and closing timings of the tourist attractions.
• DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB tries to ensure that reliable tour operators are available on this platform. However you will be responsible to check, verify and ensure the kind of services you expect from respective operator.
• We recommend that clients obtain all necessary details regarding the services, destinations, mode of transport, types of accommodations and all other kinds of features offered by respective operators and take decision as per their own requirements.
• In case of a Bike riding trips, any kind of police matter will be handled by the rider & his pillion themselves. Bikers should carry their License, Bike legal paper, PUC, Helmet, Needed accessories to repair etc.
• Participant below 14 yrs of age will only be allowed for trek/activity with his/her parents/guardian or accompanied by someone elder to him/her with proper writing permissions from parents/guardian.
• We do not support any action or discipline against the law. If at all it be broken/bent or ignored by the participant or Organiser, they are responsible to face the consequences or punishment as per law. DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB will not hesitate to EXCLUDE the participant from the trip or event or TAKE NECESSARY ACTION against the operator or EVEN BAN permanently. No refunds will be provided in any case.
• Participant(s) is responsible to inform the representative of DVC regarding and medical ailments and disorders etc. arising during the program should be informed to the organizers.
• Any expenses for all medical treatment and arrangements made by the organizers for the participants will be solely borne by the participant.
• There will not be any mode of transportation provided TO and FRO the specified STARTING POINT and END POINT of the trip/event by DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB.
• There will be separate rules and regulations for different schemes announced by the company from time to time. These will be supplement to the main terms and conditions and will be informed to participant(s) at the time of booking under those schemes.
• Domestic Tour prices attract Service Tax & other Cess which will be charged extra on the tour cost published on the website.
• The costs mentioned at DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB.COM are subject to variation depending on promotional discounts, delayed bookings or any other such scheme(s) which may be introduced from time to time.
• DIVINE VOYAGE CLUB may arrange video/photo shoot during tours. The tour participants shall have no objection to the shot material being used as publicity material by the site.